There is a big race going out on the internet between different sites for unique visitor number roll out. According to Nielsen, Google makes to the Top of the list as the most visited site on the internet Worldwide, According to Nielsen, more than 379 million visitors clicked on Google Branded pages each month. Facebook has rolled on to Third were earlier it was holding the second position on the list. It has come our notice that Microsoft has made an exception growth recently by holding position second were earlier it was on sixth on the list.
The Study is based on data collected for the year 2011 and visits included from home and work computers. Below are stats for Most popular website of 2011, collected for worldwide and U.S.
Google is always on top as usual!
I can’t believe facebook is on third, i guess google+ is affecting facebook popularity .
Since there is a lot of buzz regarding windows 8 and due that i guess microsoft has come on third postion as most visited sites for 2011
i think microsoft moved up as they have more problems and their automatic update itself make them to top. everyday i get 10 or more updates to download.hmm really stupid not as per people intensionally visit their site.