Home / How-to Guides / How to format USB Flash Drive to NTFS in Windows XP

How to format USB Flash Drive to NTFS in Windows XP

There are many limitations to using the FAT File System partition; as I posted in my previous article, Files greater than 4 GB cannot be transferred or created in the FAT partition Flash Drive. If you are using a hard disk with a FAT32 File System partition, you can convert it to NTFS using the window format option. However, if you are trying to convert a flash drive to NTFS in Windows XP, there is no option available to convert it to NTFS. By default, Windows XP doesn’t allow you to use any other File System except FAT or FAT32.

convert FLASH drive to NTFS Windows XP

Why use NTFS?

NTFS is a new File System and has more advantages than FAT File System. NTFS allows the creation or transfer of files on a disk without limitation. Encryptions are possible in NTFS, and you can create permission to access files or folders on a flash drive. NTFS has many advantages over the FAT file system.

Follow Below Steps to Format to NTFS for Windows XP

Note: We need to format the Flash drive to NTFS File System; hence take backup of your flash drive data.

1.) Go to Start >> Run and Type devmgmt.msc and press Enter key or right-click on the My Computer icon on Desktop and click on manage and go to Device Manager.

2.) In Device Manager, click on expand icon on Disk drives and you will see your Flash drive listed, Now right-click on the USB drive and choose Properties.

Windows XP NTFS

3.) Now, go to Policies Tab, By Default you may see the “Optimize for quick removal” option is turned on. Change it to “Optimize for performance” and click OK. This will enable the NTFS option while formatting the drive.

Enable NTFS in Windows XP

4.) Open My Computer, right-click on the USB Drive and choose Format. You should be able to see the new option NTFS under File System drop-down options. Select the File System as NTFS and Format the Drive.

Format Flash Drive NTFS Windows XP

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About Roshan Karkera

Roshan Karkera a.k.a. k.roshan. Blogger by passion and software engineer by profession. He believes in sharing knowledge, which made him to start his own blog. He is very much keen & passionate about new technology & Science. If you'd like to connect with him, follow at Google plus or Twitter.


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  2. Local Services Expert - Janneth

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