Microsoft has officially changed “Xbox Live Marketplace” name to “Xbox Games Store”. This can be seen on the Xbox homepage. It’s now seems that Microsoft has completely removed the term “Marketplace” from all its online download store. The marketplace was originally a store for Xbox 360 offering games, videos, and other types of content. However, this is now separated completely as Xbox Games Store, Xbox Video Store and Xbox Music Store.
A spokesperson from Microsoft told Joystiq
That’s right, [Xbox Live Marketplace] is now called the Xbox Games Store, and will sit alongside the Xbox Music Store and Xbox Video Store. This is to make it easier for consumers to find content both on Xbox 360 today and Xbox One when it launches in November.
Xbox Live Marketplace was the name present for almost eight years. The rebranding of Marketplace just took place before the launch of Xbox One. Similar rebranding change was also done in the year 2012, where Microsoft changed the name of Windows app storefront from “Windows Phone Marketplace” to “Windows Phone Store.”
Last week, Microsoft shutdown two more of its “Marketplace” completely i.e. Zune Marketplace and Games For Windows Live Marketplace.