Home / Merwyn Noronha

Author Archives: Merwyn Noronha

Merwyn Noronha - Software Test Engineer by profession. He believes in sharing his knowledge by writing articles on new technology and science. He also enjoys fitness training, swimming, hanging out with friends and listening music. If you'd like to connect with him, you can connect on Facebook or Google+.

How to Reduce Facebook Notifications Updates

Facebook’s notifications are messages or updates that inform about the activities of your friends, group, application and pages that you subscribe. Most notifications are the likes, comments or tags where in someone’s tags you in post or image. However, most ...

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How to Send Free SMS From Your Gmail Chat

Gmail has launched a new cool feature that enables its users to send Free SMS from the Gmail Chat window. You can send Free SMS to any person provided you know their Mobile Number. You might have noticed popup alert ...

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How to Download Your Facebook Data

We all make collection of Images, Songs, Movies, etc. which we get from our friends. Have you ever thought to collect all of your Facebook data in a file just like any other collection? You might be thinking how it ...

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