Over the last few years, Digital Technology has changed a lot and made things more accessible and convenient. Due to digital revolution, we have seen computers being constantly changed in its size and style resulting, a slim portable system like Netbook, Laptop, Smartphone, etc. Due to the evolution of the Internet (world wide web), The word ONLINE became more common on the internet. Today, just sitting at home one can shop and book ticket online without taking much of their time and effort using online shopping sites and online ticketing software.
Why to buy Online?
Online buying is sometime preferred as the best way of purchasing. Online Shopping always gives you an option to differentiate the product and price which make you a more informed and wise buyer. The best part of Online Buying on the internet is convenience right from your home or system. An opportunity to shop 24×7 without wasting time or effort. Shopping online is not just restricted buying product or service online, but now booking tickets online are also available. You can book and buy tickets for air ticket, rail ticket, movie ticket, etc. without standing in a queue.
It’s Impact:
According to research stats, Online purchasing has bestowed the boost of sales up to 60% compared to retail store. Recently conducted a survey, over 85% of the world’s online population has used the internet to make their purchase online. This trend’s numbers are not halting here and increasing constantly as more and more online users are purchasing online. Compared to traditional market, Digital market average sales surpass the traditional sales number. According to research conducted in 2012, Average Per Household spending increase by 36% in an online market compared to traditional market. Trip spending Per household increase by 27% in Online market compared to Traditional market.
According to research conducted by The Nielsen Company in 2012, 31% of all purchase decisions involve some online or mobile activity and were 25% of all CPG purchase influenced by some online or mobile activity. In NON-CPG shopper are digitally engaged to product as following, 67% in Consumer Electronic & Technology, 38% Entertainment Items and Content and 34% in Health Supplements and choices. In CPG Categories, shoppers engaged more in CPG Product are as following 34% in 38% Baby & Child Care, Non-Alcoholic Beverages, 26% Beauty & Personal Care, 19% Packaged food.
Conclusion: According to Nielsen, It’s proven that digital engaged shoppers can be very rewarding for manufacturers and retailers. In the end, it’s all about customer satisfaction.