Home / Google / Google Play Music to shut down globally by October

Google Play Music to shut down globally by October

Google has officially announced that Google Play Music will start shutting down its service operation by September in Australia and New Zealand, and globally by October 2020.

Starting in late August, users will no longer be able to purchase or pre-order or upload and download music from Google Play Music through Music Manager, as confirmed by Google.

As per the previous announcement by Google, it was evident that they wanted to replace Google Play Music with YouTube Music. In May, Google introduced the migration tool to transfer your songs, albums, and playlist to YouTube Music. The Google Takeout option to Export data and Download.

Once music libraries are transferred, you may go to the YouTube Music playlist to verify the same. Moreover, starting with Android 10, Google has replaced its default Google Play Music Player with YouTube Music on all Androids Smartphones.

Even though the service shuts globally by October, but all existing users will still get time to transfer their content to YouTube Music until December 2020. Google will notify you before you lose access to your account and data. However, it is better that you do not wait until the last day and get it transferred all your Music Libraries as early as possible.

About Roshan Karkera

Roshan Karkera a.k.a. k.roshan. Blogger by passion and software engineer by profession. He believes in sharing knowledge, which made him to start his own blog. He is very much keen & passionate about new technology & Science. If you'd like to connect with him, follow at Google plus or Twitter.

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