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How To Keep Your Mobile Casino Account Secure

anti-fraud-detectionIn a day and age where large casinos can fit the tiny screens of our mobile phones, securing our own accounts is no longer that easy. The boom of technology expanded the playing ground to both credible developers and hackers alike. If you enjoy playing slot games on your phone or if you happen to love playing casino games on the go, it may be wise to check if the money you invest is in safe hands. Here are a few tips to keep your online casino accounts safe and secure:

Check the Website’s Data Encryption System
The first telltale sign of a secure online casino site is the website’s list of software providers. Your casino portal should display the list on its home page or perhaps on its security heading. Another thing to look for is a website’s data encryption.

“Most of the more reputable online casinos secure players data using special and highly specialized encryption technology known as 128 bit data encryption. This technology is responsible for scrambling or encrypting all the data a player enters on the online casino’s website,””Online Casino Reporter”, a website that specializes in online security, said. Almost all financial institutions utilize this kind of data encryption.

Identify the Software Technology Used in the Gaming Site
Credible casino websites usually provide a category where players can check the site’s security features or technology used in their games. Mobile casino games frequently use third party add-ons which aren’t exactly the safest today. Fortunately, technology is on our side with HTML5, the newest version of the web language.
“The rollout of HTML5 will at least put us on a path to standardization, replacing insecure third party add-ons like Adobe Flash, which has suffered numerous exploits by cybercriminals,” Sophos  said.

With more developers steering clear from using Java and Flash as the primary architecture of their games, more and more companies—especially mobile casino developers—now turn to HTML5 because of its security features. “Alchemy Bet” one of the world’s leading casino game providers now utilize an HTML5 technology as seen in their new games including their latest 2012 game Pocket Fruity. This latest web language update would give casino players peace of mind with additional measures. Any casino gamer should invest time in understanding the security measures of their chosen websites.

Opt to Play in Gaming Portals with Diverse Banking Options
The general rule of thumb is that the wider range of online transactions and banking vendors, the better the website. Aside from checking their banking options, you should also look at possible anti-fraud technologies that they utilize. It may be wise to dig deeper with their confidentiality clause as well.
As long as you take time to verify these simple security measures, then there’s a great chance you’ll enjoy your game without worrying of security holes and payment fraud.

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