The well-known messaging application WhatsApp has announced that HD video sharing is now supported for its users. Users will be able to send and receive videos with a resolution of up to 720p, which is twice as high as the earlier limit. Days before, the platform owned by Meta unveiled HD picture sharing for the same application.
In the following few weeks, the new HD video sharing feature will be made available for everyone, as it is still rolling out. The WhatsApp web, iOS, and Android apps will all have access to this feature.

How to send HD Videos on WhatsApp?
To send HD videos over WhatsApp, just click the attachment icon to choose the video from your gallery. After selecting the video, tap on the ‘HD’ icon that will be visible on the top of the screen. Users also need to remember that picking HD quality will make the video’s file size larger. Once ready, click “Done” to confirm and send the video.
There is no official indication of when iOS users might get a similar update, as currently, this feature is only available to Android users. Make sure that your WhatsApp is up to date to use this new feature.
Another recent update includes the introduction of a new function that allows WhatsApp users to create groups without having a group name, according to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta.
In the coming weeks, this new feature will be in effect everywhere. When one needs to form a group quickly or when a group topic isn’t immediately decided, this feature is quite handy.