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Hidden Easter Egg in uTorrent Application

Easter Egg in uTorrent ApplicationPeople love Easter Egg and so do we. We have decided to reveal such Easter eggs, which are hidden in the application or web pages. Easter Egg is nothing but a hidden message, joke or features, which are hidden in the application or web pages just for fun. Google always been very active showing its creative Easter egg on the Google homepage. However, there are many applications/Software Programs were developers have intentionally hidden such Easter Eggs. Today, we would be revealing Easter Egg on uTorrent Application.

Although it’s already been revealed on the internet earlier, but still we are posting on the same as few newbie might still not be aware of such Hidden Easter Eggs. This Easter Egg was selected as Top 10 software Easter Egg on LifeHacker.com.

uTorrent is a popular Bit-Torrent Client, which is used to download files using torrent files. People always used uTorrent just to Download and upload torrent files, but now you can even play games itself on uTorrent application and play a PlayStation1 music on the application.

Easter Egg in uTorrent :

Tetris Game :-

1. Open uTorrent Application, Go to Help –> About.

2. Press “T” on your Keyboard and You will find a small Tetris game running itself on uTorrent.

– Use the arrow key to rotate and to move the block.

Tetris game in uTorrent


Playstation1 Music :-

1. Open uTorrent Application, Go to Help –> About.

2. Click on the uTorrent Logo, You may hear playstation1 music playing.

– To hear the music, Switch ON your speaker or headphone.

Easter Egg in uTorrent


Hope you had fun discovering Easter Egg on uTorrent. In case you have any hidden Easter Egg to share with us then, please share with us on the comment section below.

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About Roshan Karkera

Roshan Karkera a.k.a. k.roshan. Blogger by passion and software engineer by profession. He believes in sharing knowledge, which made him to start his own blog. He is very much keen & passionate about new technology & Science. If you'd like to connect with him, follow at Google plus or Twitter.

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