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Author Archives: Roshan Karkera

Roshan Karkera a.k.a. k.roshan. Blogger by passion and software engineer by profession. He believes in sharing knowledge, which made him to start his own blog. He is very much keen & passionate about new technology & Science. If you'd like to connect with him, follow at Google plus or Twitter.

How to Enable USB Write Protection on Windows

Enable USB Write Protection on Windows

Do you want to restrict someone from writing files from your computer to an external or USB Drive? Fortunately, Microsoft Windows 10/8/7/XP does come with a write protection feature, which will prevent users from copying or writing content from their ...

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How to Calculate using Windows Command Line

Calculate using dos command line in windows

Generally, for doing any calculation on Windows, we use a calculator or some application, but other than that, we can also use Windows Command Line, i.e., Command Prompt. Calculating arithmetic expressions on the command line is more straightforward and expressive. ...

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Best 3 Methods to Download Facebook Photos

Best 3 Methods to Download Facebook Photos

Facebook is one of the biggest and most widely used social networking sites. There are many social networking sites available on the internet, among which Facebook is one of the most popular ones. Apart from being the best social networking ...

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Top 10 Best Firefox Add-On for 2011

Firefox is one of the best browser because of its loads of extension available to enhance the functionality of browser. Firefox was the first who started the ADD-On feature, This add-on made browser more user friendly and customizable which directly ...

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