Installing or applying the theme on Windows XP is very simple, and you can either do it manually or use the software. Suppose you have a folder for a theme containing theme content files.
E.g., if you are installing “aero theme” you might have a folder containing some Files like the “shell “Folder and some file extensions with “.msstyles” file.
Follow below simple steps to install the theme manually in Windows XP.
- Copy the theme folder to the below directory in Windows XP
Note: The “C:\” directory is the Drive where your Windows XP is installed.
- Open Display Properties, Go to Start –> Run –> type Desk.cpl and press Enter key. Now, Click on Appearance Tab and Change the Theme from the Drop-Down Menu.
Installing Theme on Windows XP is simple but sometimes installing themes on Windows XP SP3 turns out to be cumbersome. Most of the time, themes don’t work on Windows XP SP3.
Though you copied the theme in Windows Theme Directories, it will not list it. There are many tweaks that can help you to install the theme on Windows XP SP3, but I prefer to install using TuneUp Utilities. This tool has everything you need to tweak your system and has been one of the best tools for Windows XP.
Installing Theme on Windows XP SP3 using Tuneup Utilities
- Once you copied the theme in Themes Directory, i.e., “C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes.”
- Open Tuneup Utilities, Go to Customise –> Tuneup Styler –> Visual Styler
You may find all the theme lists on the left pane window. You may have observed that themes that weren’t showing in the list of themes in windows are now showing in TuneUp Utilities. Now Click on Apply to apply the theme on Windows XP.

If you encounter any problems or have any suggestions for installing themes on Windows XP, then please share with us in the comment section below.
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I wanted this finally i can change theme now on sp3.great trick u solved my problem.great work
This is a Wonderful blog, very well written and smart, i will definitely follow up again, do keep on writing, Thanks
it doesnt bkoz it also require uxtheme.dll patch and still not