In our previous Easter Eggs post, we saw hidden Easter Egg in WinRAR. Today, we will see some hidden Easter Eggs in Firefox. Mozilla Firefox has a variety of hidden Easter eggs, which can be accessed using the URI which includes hidden configuration settings, statistics, diagnostic information, etc. These hidden Firefox Easter Eggs can be accessed using “about:” followed by command or name of the hidden page. For example, about:logo which will display Firefox logo.
The Easter eggs are usually an intentional hidden jokes, hidden message or some hidden features that are added to the software. Firefox has tried to include everything from the story of Mozilla, the hidden joke of Robot and hidden features like configuration settings and information.
Below are some Interesting and useful Hidden Firefox Easter Eggs:
1. About:Robot
Type about:robots into Firefox’s address bar and you should see something like below.
2. About:Mozilla
Type about:mozilla into Firefox address bar and it will show a verse from the “Book of Mozilla” which is about the birth of Firefox.
3. About:Permissions
Permission manager is a hidden page of Firefox, which allows the user to manage permission for a single website allowing to store password, allow cookie, open Pop-up windows or maintain offline storage. This utility can come very handy when you want to specify permission for single website. For example: Suppose you want to block pop-up for certain website then you can specify in the permission manger to block pop-up windows for that site.
Type about:permissions in the Firefox address bar to access hidden Permission Manager utility.
4. About:Healthreport
Post Firefox 21 updates, a new hidden feature has been added, which allow the user to check browser performance report with graphical representation. It shows average startup time, running time of the application (in minutes), total number of bookmarks, plugins, add-ons and monthly number of crashes.
Type about:healthreport in the address bar to access hidden Health Report page.
5. About:Support
This can also be accessed by selecting Troubleshooting Information from the Help menu; however, it’s a handy utility to troubleshoot technical problem with Firefox. This page contains technical information about your system, drivers, preference and a list of all extensions that can be very helpful when you’re trying to solve some problem.
6. About:Credits
The About:credit list all the people names who were involved in the development of Firefox like developers, designers, documentation writers, software testers, etc.
7. About:Config
All techies and experts are well aware of Config in Firefox. It is the place where you can tweak anything in Firefox.
Note: Please don’t mess around with config settings unless you know what you’re doing.
Besides of above hidden Firefox Easter eggs pages, there are some additional hidden about pages which you should definitely check. Type about:About, it will display with an index of all Firefox’s about pages. Click on the link and explore other about pages on Firefox.