Home / Roshan Karkera

Author Archives: Roshan Karkera

Roshan Karkera a.k.a. k.roshan. Blogger by passion and software engineer by profession. He believes in sharing knowledge, which made him to start his own blog. He is very much keen & passionate about new technology & Science. If you'd like to connect with him, follow at Google plus or Twitter.

An Easy way to Create Forms using Google Docs

If you are a webmaster, professional or business man, there will be times when you need to conduct survey, feedback or to gather some important information from your visitors, members, client or co-worker. With the help of Google Docs, you ...

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How to Remove Startup Application in Mac

Often it happens, when you install numerous software on your system, which results in the system to boot up slow. Most of these software are set to start up automatically when system boots, so when the system starts, it automatically ...

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How to use Outlook 2010 as RSS Feed Reader

If you’re using Outlook for personal and work purpose, then you should also know that outlook can also be used to read RSS Feed. Besides of handling mails and calendars, it also handles RSS Feed, which works great as a ...

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How to Install Gnome on Ubuntu 11.10

Those who are missing Gnome Desktop in Ubuntu 11.10 could easily bring it back on Ubuntu. In Ubuntu 11.10, Ubuntu dropped Gnome in the favor of Unity; however most Ubuntu fans and user didn’t like that. All users felt the ...

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