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Check IP address in Google search result

To check Public IP of your system, we generally used to search in Google with “What is my IP?” and then we usually visit top listed site in search result. Instead of wasting time visiting those sites, now you can directly know your IP address by just questioning Google. Google has added this new feature to Google ONEBOX Query Result. When you search with query like “What is my IP”, your Public IP will be shown directly in search result page itself.Check IP address in Google search result

Go to Google, Enter a search query like “What is my IP”, “IP Address”, “My IP”, or “Show my IP”, You should see IP address just below the search query as seen on Screenshot above. People are happy to check their IP directly on Google instead of going to any third party site. I am sure that not all people are happy with this changes by Google because people behind whatismyip.com and other sites, which provide to check IP address are definitely struck badly due to Google.

Check your IP on Google

About Roshan Karkera

Roshan Karkera a.k.a. k.roshan. Blogger by passion and software engineer by profession. He believes in sharing knowledge, which made him to start his own blog. He is very much keen & passionate about new technology & Science. If you'd like to connect with him, follow at Google plus or Twitter.


  1. that was really interesting… google is awesome

  2. I never knew this…

  3. I usually used to check my public ip which is routed by my router in whatismyip.cm but now Google made that easy… no more wasting time. thanks for letting us know

  4. your blog is awesome

  5. Interesting post, i like it
    thanks for share and learn

  6. Perfect function you’ve got done, this site is really cool with exceptional info.

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